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Contene’s Cannabinoids SAFETY

Safe & Natural

Contain works closely with domestic importers who strictly adhere to the laws and safety standards set by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and uses only high-quality, naturally-derived cannabinoids.

CBD is extracted from cannabis plants grown and harvested in Switzerland, while CBG and CBN are extracted in the United States.

All products are manufactured in Japan, ensuring high quality and traceability at every step of the supply chain.

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潜在的メリット MERIT


Although studies are ongoing worldwide, early results have shown that taking CBD orally has a relaxing effect, and can aid in dealing with symptoms of anxiety. Many users of CBD cite it’s relaxing effect as a main reason for incorporating it into their self-care routine.

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潜在的メリット MERIT


Recent studies have shown that CBD has a moisturizing effect on the skin, and may help maintain the skin barrier while balancing sebum production to prevent break outs. CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may also help calm irritation and maintain overall skin health.

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潜在的メリット MERIT

Sleep Support

Although more concrete evidence in necessary, early studies have shown that CBD may aid in improving the quality of rest when taken orally. Possibly due to its relaxing effects, many CBD users report taking CBD helps them get to sleep faster, get better quality sleep, and wake up feeling more rested.



In addition to CBD, the hemp plant contains many other cannabinoids, such as CBG and CBN, that are said to have an “entourage effect,” allowing users to reap the benefits offered by CBD more effectively.

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